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Page history last edited by sheri 11 years, 4 months ago





Ms. Ebert


7th-Grade Science


Technology Exploratory



Adams-Friendship Middle School



               Classroom Information

Class Syllabus

Standards-based Grading

Grading Rubric


Student Survey





 Other Sites


AF Distrcit


The Next Generation

Science Standards



What are We

Learning. . .









1st Quarter

2nd Quarter

3rd Quarter

4th Quarter

Forensic Anthropology

cross-curricular unit  

Energy Page




this YEAR in





Can you explain these images? 

This is what you will experience in 7th Grade Science!!!

1.      2.       3. 

4.       5.         6.  

 7      8.         9.  10.    11.      12.  13. 



Here are the answers to above images.

1. chemical reaction 2. bacteria 3. oxidation 4. crystalline structure 5. protists 6. DNA sequence 7. wave energy 8. density 9. phenotype 10. Albert Gore, class pet. 11. the periodic table 12. topography 13. worm identification







Table of Contents


Science Class Page

class projects, information and learning games


Genetics - Fruit Flies: collaborative lab


Technology: 7th grade technology exploratory lessons


Tech E's Web Tools: Mrs. Ebert's professional wiki

regarding web-based tools for the 21st century educator. 


Lego Robotics: student projects


School Forest: The Karner Blue Butterfly Project



 email Mrs. Ebert








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