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Third Quarter

Page history last edited by sheri 13 years, 6 months ago


6th Grade Technology Exploratory



Learning Goal(s)

What you will know or be able to/lesson 

Month of February


on front page



Search Engines

Search Engine, Query, key words, citations

March 1-4

  1. Johnson
  2. Beaver
  3. Bergstrom
  4. Brom
  5. Nelson
  6. Weisenbeck


  1. garage band(podcast)
  2. spreadsheets
  3. spreadsheets 
  4. spreadsheets
  5. WED. spreadsheets (no Fri.)
  6. spreadsheets 


  1. record/edit voice 
  2. class pets/graph 
  3. pets/graph 
  4. pets/graph 
  5. pets/graph 
  6. pets/graph 


create a graph

March 7-11

  1. Johnson
  2. Beaver
  3. Bergstrom
  4. Brom
  5. Nelson
  6. Weisenbeck


  1. garageband (podcast) 
  2. garage band 
  3. garage band 
  4. garage band 
  5. WED. not Fri. 
  6. garageband audio 


Students will know how record and edit their voice and add it to their keynote projects.


March 14-18

  • Johnson
  • Beaver
  • Bergstrom
  • Brom
  • Nelson
  • Weisenbeck


  • edmodo/search/Kingdoms 
  • bibliographies
  • civilizations
  • iMovie
  • Tech Vocab crossword -Tekmom

March 21-26

  • Johnson

  • Beaver
  • Bergstrom
  • Brom
  • Nelson
  • Weisenbeck




  •  WEMTA  
  •  WEMTA 


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