
cross-curricular unit

Page history last edited by sheri 12 years, 9 months ago


Forensic Anthropology


Adams-Friendship Middle School Students


The CASE: On April 18, 2012, Mrs. Murphy's and Mrs. Ebert's took their science classes outside so they could collect data from their "plot of land". Students have been going to their designated areas for data collection such as: temperature on the ground and 1 meter about ground, soil content, soil pH, depth of leaf litter, etc. When students went to their areas, one team discovered a bone!


Standards  Addressed


The Plan


Investigative Roles



Learning Goals

  • Demonstrate their knowledge of the scientific method.
  • Use appropriate tools and techniques to accurately gather, analyze, and interpret data.
  • Formulate and defend descriptions, explanations, predictions, and models using evidence.
  • Logically construct meaning between evidence and explanations.
  • Communicate verbally and through writing scientific procedures and explanations.
  • Understand how scientific concepts impact the world around them. 



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